Uređenje doma
29,20 € 19,78 €
Uređenje doma – Boje stilovi i tehnike
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Uređenje doma – Boje stilovi i tehnike
Format | 22 cm |
Broj stranica | 240 |
Uvez | Meki |
Izdavač | |
Godina izdanja | 2010 |
Autor | |
ISBN | 9789532511123 |
Na temelju 0 recenzija
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Since streets become increasingly crowded, living on the top of a building promises privacy and distance. Rooftops have become the symbol of a new lifestyle – an extension and exclusive enjoyment of an area traditionally unused: the architectural crown of a building has been transformed into a new area for work or living.
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Windows serve as the direct interface between the interior of a building and its public enviroment. Visual relationships through a window offer the opportunity to establish contact with the outside world and experience the widest variety of impressions.
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Svakodnevno rasprostiranje stola prije blagovanja uobičajenih obroka najčešće ne traži ni posebno zalaganje, ni precizno postavljanje jedaćeg pribora; razlozi su dijelom pomanjkanje vremena, a dijelom činjenica da smo kod vlastite kuće, pa stoga svemu tome ne pridajemo veliku pozornost. No, situacija se mijenja u trenutku kada nam dolaze gosti…
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Airports are highly appealing places. Gateways to the big wide world, they represent international movement and inspire travel. This book shows you not only real terminals but also airport-specific design and architecture – from VIP lounges to passenger routes, from control towers to hangars and airplan museums…
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Glass protects from sunshine, warmth, noise and radiation. It can be self-cleaning, energy storing, regulating and supporting. Glass can do more than encase and illuminate, it can expressively put on display and so accompanies light on its way in both directions. It is provided every time again, what phenomenal qualitites glass contributes as an architectural building block. Glass primarily offers design options by the various styles of treating its surface.
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Architecture has advanced quickly in the field of construction materials, which are fundamental when fulfilling dreams of raising massive buildings. Amongst these materials that have had the biggest influence in the creation of this kind of architecture is steel. As a result of a carbon-alloy, steel is ductile but at the same time resistant and tough. Today it is not only present in the structure of all types of buildings, but also used in designs for household objects and plays a major role in avant-garde interior design.
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Vođenje kućanstva je vrlo složen proces: od donošenja pravih odluka o uređenju preko kuhanja brzih i izvrsnih jela do kreativnog aranžiranja cvijeća i njege kućnih biljaka, presudno je znati što treba činiti da bi se uštedjelo vrijeme i novac, uhodano održavati dom koji izvrsno izgleda…
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During the last 50 years, the plastic industry has grown at an incredible pace until becoming part of nearly all the areas of human activity. Plastic materials moreover have made practically any architectural solution affordable to all…
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56 new projects present the new trends in Lobby Design all over the world. The lobby is a passing place, a transitory space. It is the first point of contact with the place visited from the street.
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In this book Chinese Design, we are pleased to introduce a wide array of different architectural projects, and the various designers, architectural ateliers and developers that have made these works come to light…
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