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  • -41%Limited
    Ray : A Tribute to the Movie, the Music, and the Man
    Ray : A Tribute to the Movie, the Music, and the Man 13,27 

    A stunning tribute hardcover gift book and full-color companion to the film—the never-before-told life story of American music legend Ray Charles—directed by Taylor Hackford, starring Jamie Foxx.

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  • -7%LimitedRasprodano
    Bilježnica neizgovorenih stvari
    Bilježnica neizgovorenih stvari 8,63 

    Svi lažu o svome životu. Što bi se dogodilo da za promjenu počneš govoriti istinu?

    Julian Jessop, ekscentrični sedamdeset devetogodišnji slikar ovom je rečenicom započeo priču o svojemu životu te ju zapisao u svjetlozelenu bilježnicu koju je zatim ostavio u kafiću u koji zalazi svaki dan. Nakon petnaest godina žalovanja zbog gubitka supruge, on započinje ovaj projekt s ciljem dijeljenja iskrenih priča sa stvarnim osobama koje susrećemo svaki dan…

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  • Plavi mjesec 9,28 

    Dok Jack Reacher putuje međugradskim autobusom u nepoznatom smjeru, na susjednom sjedalu primjećuje starijeg čovjeka kojem iz džepa viri podeblja omotnica s novcem. U sljedećem gradu Reacher silazi s autobusa i nakon što spriječi napad na nepoznatog čovjeka, pomogne mu da sretno stigne kući…

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  • -42%Limited
    City of Dreams
    City of Dreams 13,14 

    That’s the text message Peter Fallon receives from a Wall Street bigwig. It’s not a challenge he can turn down, especially since the country is in the midst of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

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  • -50%Limited
    Hello Kitty Must Die
    Hello Kitty Must Die 6,64 

    On the outside, twenty-eight-year-old Fiona Yu appears to be just another Hello Kitty–an educated, well-mannered Asian American woman. Secretly, she feels torn between the traditional Chinese values of her family and the social mores of being an American girl.

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  • -20%Limited
    Rules of the Road
    Rules of the Road 5,31 

    Meet Jenna Boller, star employee at Gladstone Shoe Store in Chicago. Standing a gawky 5’11” at 16 years old, Jenna is the kind of girl most likely to stand out in the crowd for all the wrong reasons.

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  • -11%Limited
    Tantra 9,29 

    U ovoj bezvremenskoj uspješnici Osho govori o mističnom uvidu iz drevnih tantričkih zapisa, kao i o mnogim meditacijskim tehnikama tantre koje su jednako važne današnjem tragaču za istinom kao i onima u tim davnim vremenima.

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  • -13%Limited
    Intuicija 7,96 

    Intuicija govori o razlici izmedu razumnog, logičnog uma i mnogo obuhvatnijeg svijeta duhovnog. Um logikom upoznaje stvarnost, duša intuicijom spoznaje stvarnost.

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  • Knjiga o čakrama 21,24 

    U ovoj knjizi Osho pruža pregled istočnjačkog naučavanja o istančanim energetskim središtima u ljudskom tijelu, katkad poznatim pod nazivom “čakre”.

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  • -11%Limited
    Sudbina, sloboda i duša
    Sudbina, sloboda i duša 9,29 

    Jedan od najvećih duhovnih učitelja dvadesetog stoljeća iznosi svoju filozofiju o samootkrivanju, slobodnoj volji te traženju mjesta i smisla u životu. “Ja sam i sam pitanje. Ne znam tko sam. Što učiniti? Kamo ići?” – Osho

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  • -11%Limited
    Hsin hsin ming
    Hsin hsin ming 9,29 

    „Da moram spasiti samo dvije knjige iz područja misticizma, jedna bi bila Sosanova Hsin Hsin Ming “, rekao je Osho. „Ona sadrži suštinu zena, put svjesnosti i meditacije… samu dušu zena.“

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  • Fragmenti opsesije 10,49 

    Stihovi su zakovitlani u elipse, ne kao pjesničke figure, kojima se izostavljaju riječi da bi radi umjetničkog učinka bila stvorena gramatički okrhnuta rečenica, nego zaumne elipse nadrealista, u kojima se radi umjetničkog efekta rečenici podrivaju logičke strukture,…

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  • Hipnotizer 11,81 

    Hipnotizer je jedan od najstrašnijih trilera ikada napisanih, s jezom Isijavanja i iskonskim strahom Kad jaganjci utihnu. Ovaj roman čita se bez predaha. Jedna od najvećih književnih senzacija posljednjih godina, međunarodni bestseler i nakon Stiega Larssona najprodavaniji švedski roman u povijesti.

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  • Što nas ne ubije 17,92 

    Frans Balder, ekscentrični genij i jedan od vodećih svjetskih informatičkih stručnjaka, iznenada se vraća u Švedsku iz Silicijske doline, gdje je radio u jednoj od najmoćnijih svjetskih kompanija…

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  • Okruženi narcisima 17,12 

    Iscrpljuje li vas njihovo stalno zahtijevanje pozornosti, apsolutno uvjerenje da imaju pravo (čak i kad ga očito nemaju), odlučnost da čine što žele (neovisno o utjecaju na druge) te zbunjujuća potreba da kontroliraju sve i svakoga oko sebe?

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  • -38%Limited
    Over Her Dead Body
    Over Her Dead Body 13,27 

    New York Times bestselling author and Cosmopolitan editor-in-chief Kate White knows firsthand that the magazine business is murder.

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  • -36%Limited
    Jekel Loves Hyde
    Jekel Loves Hyde 9,29 

    Jill Jekel has always obeyed her parents’ rules—especially the one about never opening the mysterious, old box in her father’s office. But when her dad is murdered, and her college savings disappear, she’s tempted to peek inside, as the contents might be the key to a lucrative chemistry scholarship.

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  • -50%Limited
    Disciple of the Dog
    Disciple of the Dog 6,64 

    Imagine being able to remember everything you’ve ever experienced. This is the lonely world inhabited by Disciple Manning. He is able to recall every conversation, meeting and feeling he has ever had, making him an extremely dangerous private investigator.

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  • -50%Limited
    The Good Luck of Right Now
    The Good Luck of Right Now 7,96 

    Bartholomew Neil is thirty-nine and lost.
    After the death of his beloved mum he has no idea how to be on his own, and he knows it’s about time he found his flock.

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  • -53%Limited
    Mariposa 10,62 

    In an America driven to near bankruptcy with crushing foreign debt, the Talos Corporation stands out as a major success story—training soldiers and security forces from around the world and providing logistics and troops for nearly all branches of the United States government…

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  • -33%Limited
    The Dirty Bits for Girls
    The Dirty Bits for Girls 10,62 

    From zipless action in Fear of Flying to jolly romps with Jilly Cooper; from transgressions with a priest in The Thorn Birds to mischief with Mellors; from a gentle first encounter with Ralph in Forever to anything and everything but gentle in The Story of O. Even Keats, Chaucer, and Shakespeare are up to no good.

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  • -42%Limited
    Plague 9,29 

    Plague, Michael Grant’s fourth book in the bestselling Gone series, will satisfy dystopian fans of all ages.

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  • -47%Limited
    Willful Child
    Willful Child 10,62 

    These are the voyages of the starship, A.S.F. Willful Child. Its ongoing mission: to seek out strange new worlds on which to plant the Terran flag, to subjugate and if necessary obliterate new life life-forms, to boldly blow the…

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  • -40%Limited
    The Red Knight
    The Red Knight 11,95 

    Twenty eight florins a month is a huge price to pay, for a man to stand between you and the Wild.

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  • -31%Limited
    Order of the Scales
    Order of the Scales 11,95 

    As the various factions fight for control of the Adamatine Palace mankinds nemesis approaches. The realms dragons are awakening from their alchemical sedation and returning to their native fury. They can remember why they were created and they now know what mankind has done to them.

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  • -30%Limited
    The Adamantine Palace
    The Adamantine Palace 9,29 

    One man wants to rule the wealthy Empire. He is ready to poison the king as he did his father, murder his lover and bed her daughter. Is he fit to be king? Unknown to him, a dragon is on the loose. Returned to full intelligence and fury, it could wreak havoc. Also, actions of an unscrupulous mercenary may loose hundreds of dragons.

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  • Institut 25,90 

    Usred noći, u obiteljskoj kući u predgrađu Minneapolisa nepoznati provalnici ubijaju roditelje dvanaestogodišnjeg Lukea Ellisa, a njega omamljuju i odvode u nepoznatom smjeru. Cijela operacija traje manje od dvije minute…

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  • Sova 7,30 

    Jedna tinejdžerica nestala je iz doma za mlade s problemima u ponašanju. Ubrzo je na šumskom proplanku pronađen njezin leš položen na perju i uokviren pentagramom svijeća. Slučaj je dodijeljen Odjelu za umorstva policije u Oslu na čelu s istražiteljima Holgerom Munchom i Mijom Krüger.

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  • -33%Limited
    Plugged 10,62 

    Daniel McEvoy is a scarred ex-Irish Army sergeant who is now the bouncer at Slotz, a seedy small-time casino and he has a problem. His favorite hostess and love interest, Connie, was murdered in the parking lot behind the club. And Zeb, the dubious plastic surgeon who implanted McEvoy’s hair plugs, has disappeared.

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  • -47%Limited
    Kiss the Dead
    Kiss the Dead 13,27 

    When a fifteen-year-old girl is abducted by vampires, it’s up to U.S. Marshal Anita Blake to find her. And when she does, she’s faced with something she’s never seen before: a terrifyingly ordinary group of people – kids, grandparents, soccer moms – all recently turned and willing to die to avoid serving a master. And where there’s one martyr, there will be more…

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