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  • -10%Limited
    Povijest umjetnosti diploma u knjizi
    Povijest umjetnosti 26,91 

    Sve što trebate znati da biste ovladali predmetom –  u jednoj knjizi.
    Kad pročitate ovu knjigu, moći ćete odgovoriti na pitanja kao što su:

    • Kako da promatramo slike?
    • Koji je odnos između filozofije i umjetnosti?
    • Koja je bila uloga umjetnica u povijesti umjetnosti?
    • Kako su društvene promjene utjecale na umjetnike?

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  • -11%Limited
    Moj brat je autist
    Moj brat je autist 5,31 

    Problemska slikovnica iz Biblioteke Putokazi, donosi priču dječaka čiji brat Bruno boluje od autizma.

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  • Velika škola crtanja 15,91 

    Tko ne bi volio znati crtati brzo, sigurno i uspješno? Knjiga Velika škola crtanja nudi osnove crtanja početnicima, ali i iskusnim crtačima. Nakon opisa potrebnog pribora, na razumljiv način prikazane su osnove crtanja s praktičnim savjetima za skiciranje.

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  • Nemet 13,27 

    Slikarski opus Branislava Nemeta sačuvan u atelijeru – izgubljen u tragediji Vukovara, rasut po galerijama i privatnim zbirkama u zemlji i inozemstvu, broji više stotina eksponata rađenih u gotovo svim slikarskim tehnikama.

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  • -50%Limited
    Yacht Interiors
    Yacht Interiors 13,14 

    During the last 10 years there has been a significant leap forward in the development of yacht interiors…

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  • -11%Limited
    Kako su moji roditelji zaboravili biti prijatelji
    Kako su moji roditelji zaboravili biti prijatelji 5,31 

    Moji su roditelji bili dobri prijatelji i ja sam zbog toga bila jako sretna. Sve smo radili zajedno. No, stvari su se počele mijenjati. Moji su roditelji postali tužni i često su se svađali. Mislila sam da sam ja kriva što moji roditelji više nisu prijatelji…

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  • -10%LimitedRasprodano
    Žaba donosi bogatstvo
    Žaba donosi bogatstvo 4,65 

    Feng shui je umijeće uređenja svega što vas okružuje na način koji vam omogućuje živjeti harmonično.

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  • -13%LimitedRasprodano
    Kreativni pokloni iz kućne radinosti
    Kreativni pokloni iz kućne radinosti 3,45 

    Namjena ovog priručnika je poticanje kreativnosti i osmišljavanje poklona koji će izazvati obostrano zadovoljstvo – nas koji poklanjamo i onih kojima je poklon namijenjen. Čak i kupljeni, možda naoko bezlični dar uz originalni manji dodatak može poprimiti sasvim drugačiji oblik.

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  • -27%Limited
    The Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century World Architecture
    The Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century World Architecture 106,18 

    The Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century World Architecture is a comprehensive portrayal of the finest built architecture from around the world completed since the year 2000.

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  • -24%Limited
    Velika knjiga portreta
    Velika knjiga portreta 10,00 

    U knjizi su kao predlošci korišteni neki od najpoznatijih svjetskih portreta, a autor ih je u ovoj verziji ponovno naslikao, odnosno kopirao, koristeći se originalnom idejom – umetanja životinjskog lika umjesto ljudskog, trudeći se pritom pronaći životinju koja bi, bilo karakterom, bilo izgledom, odgovarala zadanom portretu.

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  • -60%Limited
    Kids Fashion Designers
    Kids Fashion Designers 10,49 

    Even for children, fashion is more than just clothes, it is a means of self-expression. For this reason, it has become common practice for fashion labels and designer to launch their own line for kids.

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  • -60%Limited
    Young European Fashion Designers
    Young European Fashion Designers 10,49 

    This book is part of the Young Designers series which focus on young and innovative Designers. Young European Fashion Designers presents a new generation of designers that have today made an impact on the future of fashion. They are not only creating the look of the times, but also have a profound influence on what soon will happen in fashion.

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  • -60%Limited
    Package Design
    Package Design 10,49 

    Despite their at times negative connotation, why do consumers love packaging so much that it has turned into one of the essential conditions for commercial success? Beyond their logistic function of protection, packaging is not only designed to seduce the client and to lead him/her to chose a particular product over another, but it has also become the extension of the brand and the value it embodies.

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  • -60%Limited
    Lounge Design
    Lounge Design 10,49 

    With the term lounge, one associates a place accompanied with lingering physical relaxation and a pleasant atmosphere. Relaxing in contemporarily designed surroundings thus becomes an attitude toward life. This volume shows over 60 international design examples that illuminate exactly this lounge feeling from various perspectives and so offers an up-to-date and comprehensive survey of this topic for the first time.

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  • -60%Limited
    Roof Design
    Roof Design 10,49 

    Since streets become increasingly crowded, living on the top of a building promises privacy and distance. Rooftops have become the symbol of a new lifestyle – an extension and exclusive enjoyment of an area traditionally unused: the architectural crown of a building has been transformed into a new area for work or living.

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  • -60%Limited
    Steel Design
    Steel Design 10,49 

    Architecture has advanced quickly in the field of construction materials, which are fundamental when fulfilling dreams of raising massive buildings. Amongst these materials that have had the biggest influence in the creation of this kind of architecture is steel. As a result of a carbon-alloy, steel is ductile but at the same time resistant and tough. Today it is not only present in the structure of all types of buildings, but also used in designs for household objects and plays a major role in avant-garde interior design.

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  • -60%Limited
    Traffic Design
    Traffic Design 10,49 

    Since the last century, most of the public space has been designed for and around the automobile. Gradually, a mostly undifferentiated infrastructure developed into landmark architecture, with buildings and constructions of all kinds that interpret and mark the contemporary’s “automobile way of life”. Be it parking garages, gas stations, wash-cafés, bridges or motor hotels: the subject has a surprising lot of designs to offer. Paolo Tumminelli’s “Traffic design” shows recent interesting projects from the whole world.

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  • -60%Limited
    Pool Design
    Pool Design 10,49 

    Today pools come in all shapes, sizes, materials and designs in part propelled by rapidly evolving wellness and fitness trends that has shaped the look and the function of these glittering blue bodies of water. Tranquility and relaxation from work are central themes when designing business hotels, wellness retreats and spas. Paired to these aspects are the demands for water jets and jacuzzis as well as additional rooms for massages, relaxation, beauty treatments, steam rooms, saunas and far eastern relaxation exercises.

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  • -60%Limited
    Glass Design
    Glass Design 10,49 

    Glass protects from sunshine, warmth, noise and radiation. It can be self-cleaning, energy storing, regulating and supporting. Glass can do more than encase and illuminate, it can expressively put on display and so accompanies light on its way in both directions. It is provided every time again, what phenomenal qualitites glass contributes as an architectural building block. Glass primarily offers design options by the various styles of treating its surface.

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  • -60%Limited
    Indian Design
    Indian Design 10,49 

    India is diverse, multilayered, and rich in traditions with a past still passing by. Today India is able to maintain a ritualistic link with the heritage of the skilled craftsmanship, the remarkable presence of the past and the modern building process used; a high quality building stone and other traditional materials.

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  • -60%Limited
    Aircraft Interiors
    Aircraft Interiors 10,49 

    The dream of flying has preoccupied man since time immemorial. The fascination of discovering distant destinations and overcoming distances quickly resulted in the demand to optimize traveling times from the aspect of comfort. Meanwhile, airline companies offer their passengers a wealth of on-board possibilities: Releaxing sleep in a bed above the clouds, internet connection, or bars.

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  • -32%Limited
    Oslikajte dom šablonama
    Oslikajte dom šablonama 17,00 

    Knjiga Oslikajte dom šablonama veliča beskrajno kreativan oblik stvaralaštva kojim se interijeri ukrašavaju već stoljećima.

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  • -60%Limited
    Lobby Design
    Lobby Design 10,49 

    56 new projects present the new trends in Lobby Design all over the world. The lobby is a passing place, a transitory space. It is the first point of contact with the place visited from the street.

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  • -60%Limited
    Window Design
    Window Design 10,49 

    Windows serve as the direct interface between the interior of a building and its public enviroment. Visual relationships through a window offer the opportunity to establish contact with the outside world and experience the widest variety of impressions.

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  • -60%Limited
    Young Fashion Designers Americas
    Young Fashion Designers Americas 10,49 

    During the past years the unique styles from the American continents began to be adopted all over the world and had a big impact on fashion today…

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  • -60%Limited
    Medical Design
    Medical Design 10,49 

    This publication demonstrates what effect high-qualtity and mordern architecture has on hospitals, doctor’s offices, pharmacies and other health institutions, and what the future-oriented tendencies are for health sector buildings…

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  • -60%Limited
    Plastic Design
    Plastic Design 10,49 

    During the last 50 years, the plastic industry has grown at an incredible pace until becoming part of nearly all the areas of human activity. Plastic materials moreover have made practically any architectural solution affordable to all…

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  • -60%Limited
    Airport Design
    Airport Design 10,49 

    Airports are highly appealing places. Gateways to the big wide world, they represent international movement and inspire travel. This book shows you not only real terminals but also airport-specific design and architecture – from VIP lounges to passenger routes, from control towers to hangars and airplan museums…

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  • -60%Limited
    Mexican Design
    Mexican Design 10,49 

    Mexican Design is a weaving layer of ancient high cultures from the sacred metropolis of the Aztec civilization up to the present. The relationship between the past and the present is manifested with the use of materials, light, uninhibited colours, contrasting tones, textures and the delicate coservancy of space.

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  • -60%Limited
    Chinese Design
    Chinese Design 10,49 

    In this book Chinese Design, we are pleased to introduce a wide array of different architectural projects, and the various designers, architectural ateliers and developers that have made these works come to light…

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